Real Estate + Development Firm

Innovating Real Estate | Improvizing Multi-family Experiences | Revolutionizing Livelihood

Urban Property is an intellectual real estate property investment + development organization with an emphasis on obtaining each industrial and multifamily holdings circle of relatives homes supporting form the ever-converting Arizona market landscape. With an extensive knowledgeable approach, Jonathan Coffen leading Urban Properties creates affordable pricing via extensive renovation, high-quality layout aesthetic, smart advertising, and marketing and hire-up strategy.

The real estate holdings marketplace in Arizona has reached maturation withinside the marketplace wherein figuring out possibilities isn’t always easy. Jonathan Coffen’s strategies let you know – how rising sub-markets in more American-Arizonian markets with the aid of figuring out developments early on. Having complete deep knowledge of the client’s persona and their desires permits us to recognize the best neighborhoods to make investments in, what the customer needs with the aid of using the manner of renovation, and a way to marketplace and attraction to them.

One of the cornerstones of Urban Properties’ achievement has been the capacity to conform and turn out to be professionals in a completely aggressive marketplace with the aid of coming across the undiscoverable and maximizing values.


With a team of professionals, we provide you the top-class services in real estate company boosting broad information about the market and properties

The circulated strategies of Jonathan Coffen helps in providing unique property investment opportunities for business and private speculation, advancement, the board, and counseling firm.

Through his extraordinary way to deal with business and private speculations with market analysis, Urban Properties has an exceptionally solid history with a sharp capacity to recognize openings for engaging redesign and further developed administration

Alongside his unique worth-added circulated strategies and techniques in the Arizona market, he has accomplished record-breaking deals for lease and sells to opt financial freedom for you.

Assets Authority:

We find and distinguish esteem add openings through a scope of sources including solid connections sustained over time of involvement, confided in specialists, recorded foreclosure deals, and associations with investors

Investment Scalability:

Our team has a keen eye for finding investment opportunities in the real estate markets and scale our assets with the best brokerage deal. Our comprehensive analysis of the market in a timely fashion enables us to find the best investment opportunity out of the market. Not only that we have a network of lenders and investors in the Arizona markets. We get future predictions through the strong research, data, and sources we have to scale the invested amount

Possession Norms:

We grab all the best opportunities of multifamilies holdings, hospitality, industrial and commercial that can be created in an eye-catching and engaging place to provide the best in the household opportunities to the householders, families, and social communities of Arizona.

Book your meeting with us today and let us assist you with continuing to move. Our virtual alternatives are still available if you prefer.